Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Education and Training, Vol. 9, No. 2
Journal of Education and Training (JET) would like to acknowledge the following reviewers for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Many authors, regardless of whether JET publishes their work, appreciate the helpful feedback provided by the reviewers. Their comments and suggestions were of great help to the authors in improving the quality of their papers. Each of the reviewers listed below returned at least one review for this issue.
Reviewers for Volume 9, Number 2
Bryan Spiegelberg, Rider University, USA
Carolyn Stevenson, Kaplan University, USA
Claudiu Marian Bunaiasu, University of Craiova, Romania
Jabrane Amaghouss, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco
John Cowan, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
Lazarus Ndiku Makewa, University of Eastern AfricaBaraton, Kenya
Maria Jose Hernandez Serrano, University of Salamanca, Spain
Monica B. Glina, University of Oslo, Norway
Rania Elsayed Ibrahim, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Egypt
Shijuan Liu, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
Zdravka Blagoeva Kostova, Sofia University "St Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria
Dora Wang
Editorial Assistant
Journal of Education and Training
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