Covid-19 Pandemic; Is This an Opportunity for an Educational Big-Bang?


  • Maria Karadimou
  • Kostis Tsioumis



This article intends to investigate the impact of the pandemic on the Greek educational community and the opportunity to review the existing educational system. It consists of 4 main axes. The first part presents the pandemic chronicle to the educational community, the second analyses the challenges that the members of the educational community were called to face, the third analyses the pandemic as an opportunity to review the existing educational system, while the latter summarizes the main implications of the above. There are several reasons to review the Greek education system, most importantly the unequal provision of learning opportunities to students from low socio-economic backgrounds. The article comes to raise the question of whether the pandemic is an opportunity to review the educational system and provide equal learning opportunities for all. This article came to highlight the role of participants in the educational process and the challenges they faced with due to emergency.




How to Cite

Maria Karadimou, & Kostis Tsioumis. (2024). Covid-19 Pandemic; Is This an Opportunity for an Educational Big-Bang?. Journal of Studies in Education, 11(4).