Contributions of Cognitive Neuroscience on Mathematical Learning as a Tool for Elementary School Teachers


  • Giulia Domingues Silva
  • Laerte Silva da Fonseca
  • Roberta Veloso Garcia
  • Estaner Claro Romão



The relationship between cognitive neuroscience and the area of education has been extensively studied in recent years. With technology, also comes the opportunity to know more about the brain and thus, how it reacts in the learning process. Mathematics is an area in which many students have great difficulty, so the present work seeks to present contributions that cognitive neuroscience brings to assist the teacher in the teaching-learning process, recognizing that studies involving these areas are increasing. Through a literature review, this article focuses on the teacher of elementary school, understanding that this educator is responsible for the knowledge base that will accompany the student during his school and academic life. Many educators are unaware of how the brain works and learns, they do not know the tools that can help them in their daily school life so that they can achieve a successful teaching-learning relationship. The main objective is to bring studies about the relationship between cognitive neuroscience, learning, and mathematics, considering that being aware of these studies leads to tools that can be used in the classroom. The results showed the importance of relating aspects of cognitive neuroscience with proposals for didactic innovation related to mathematical learning, to allow a new scenario that fosters new cognitive skills, especially in the Mathematics discipline.




How to Cite

Giulia Domingues Silva, Laerte Silva da Fonseca, Roberta Veloso Garcia, & Estaner Claro Romão. (2024). Contributions of Cognitive Neuroscience on Mathematical Learning as a Tool for Elementary School Teachers. Journal of Studies in Education, 12(4).

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