Designing a Measurement Tool to Analyze OER Usage Among Public Primary School Teachers in Morocco


  • Abderrahim GHASSOUB
  • Mohamed Droui



This study aims to design a measurement tool to analyze the factors positively influencing the actual use of open educational resources by Moroccan teachers. Anchored in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and the UNESCO reference framework of open educational resources. The adopted measurement tool includes three exogenous variables "the quality of OER, expected performance, facilitating conditions", and a dependent variable "the actual use of OER". A psychometric study was conducted with a random sample of 375 teachers, using a five-point Likert measurement scale and confirmatory factor analysis to interpret the collected data and assess reliability, validity, and the quality goodness of fit adopted statistical model.

The results confirm that the adopted measurement tool exhibits very favorable psychometric properties, particularly in terms of alpha Cronbach coefficients of correlation between the different variables and the items composing them, factor weights, composite reliability coefficients, average variance extracted, and goodness of fit indices. Three variables "expected performance, facilitating conditions, and the quality of resources" have been identified as factors with a positive and direct impact on the use of OER by Moroccan teachers.

The study provides a reliable and valid measurement tool adapted to the Moroccan context. It could be utilized for the preliminary analysis of teachers' behavior toward the adoption of innovative technologies in teaching.




How to Cite

Abderrahim GHASSOUB, & Mohamed Droui. (2024). Designing a Measurement Tool to Analyze OER Usage Among Public Primary School Teachers in Morocco. Journal of Studies in Education, 14(1).