Socially Just Education: A Theoretical Insight into School Leadership


  • Dung Nguyen Tri Tran



The socio-economic changes and neoliberal trends of the twenty-first century have been creating many profound impacts in the education industry, provoking the emerging need for an integrated environment where all individuals and organizations from different classes, backgrounds or communities are expectedly empowered with equal opportunities in order to develop to the fullest. Toward the ideals and goals of social justice in education, the function of leadership practitioners has been strongly challenged and critically redefined for a couple of decades. By theoretically investigating how the global research community has addressed this issue from various angles of view, this article hopes to remind current leaders of educational institutions to grow more sensitive to possible unjust occurrences and build up an inclusive schooling culture by putting learner-related values into the center of their work, addressing existing stereotypes in education, boosting active interactions with socially disadvantaged groups, adopting the perspectives of various stakeholders, as well as delivering other timely administrative reforms during their leadership practices.




How to Cite

Dung Nguyen Tri Tran. (2024). Socially Just Education: A Theoretical Insight into School Leadership. Journal of Studies in Education, 11(4).