Connecting Psycho-Pedagogy and Environmental Education: Prospecting the Potential of Mutual Collaborations
Integrating the knowledge of Psycho-Pedagogy and Environmental Education (EE) is an approach still barely developed. Here we focused on identifying common points between Psycho-Pedagogy and EE. We carried out this study through a bibliographical review, bearing in mind a qualitative method of explanatory nature to indicate theoretical fundamentals and education policies that might be corroborated in the teaching activities associated with EE. We searched for and identified the potential of the theme to be developed in scholarly institutions, as a means of raising consciousness, and social relations with the environment. Focusing on the integration of the two themes, we argue that Psycho-Pedagogy is a discipline that can meaningfully contribute to boosting the comprehension of environmental issues in the formation of critical and aware citizens. We showed and concluded that the approximation and integration between Psycho-Pedagogy and EE are highly positive, promissory, and comprise a vast field to be explored.