The Effect of Using Website Games on Fourth Grade EFL Students' Learning of Vocabulary and Grammar in Jijin Secondary School in Jordan


  • Amin Ali AlAzzam-Khraiwish
  • Ali Fayyad
  • Ahmed Bataineh



The first and foremost purpose of this study is to investigate if Website Games can be used as a useful tool for teaching vocabulary and grammar to young learners. The importance of the present study is to explore the effectiveness of using Website Games on developing vocabulary and grammar by Jordanian young learners. Since learning vocabulary and grammar plays a significant role for having good language ability, boosting grammar repertoire and vocabulary growth would improve language ability and help the speaker to have a successful communication.

The sample of the study consisted of 48 fourth grade students from Jijjin Secondary School in Irbid, Jordan, during the second semester of the scholastic year 2019/2020. They were already divided into two groups: Group one consisted of (23) students that was chosen as an experimental group and was taught vocabulary and grammar via Website Games technology by the researcher and group two consisted of (25) students, which was assigned as a control group and was taught through regular instruction by the teacher.

Students in both groups sat for a vocabulary and grammar tests at the beginning of the first semester of the scholastic year so as to determine their actual knowledge before starting the experiment. Eight weeks later, they sat to a post-test. The results of the study indicated that the experimental group performed better than the control group in the acquisition of vocabulary and grammar due to the new strategy of teaching that is using Website Games.




How to Cite

AlAzzam-Khraiwish, A. A., Fayyad, A., & Bataineh, A. (2021). The Effect of Using Website Games on Fourth Grade EFL Students’ Learning of Vocabulary and Grammar in Jijin Secondary School in Jordan. International Journal of Linguistics, 13(3), pp. 110–123.




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