Tracing Lebanon's Educational Journey: Historical Dynamics, Contemporary Challenges, and Strategies for Resilience


  • Megan Edmond Khoury



This article offers an examination of Lebanon's historical trajectory, exploring its profound influence on the country's education sector. Beginning with an overview of Lebanon's ancient roots and the impact of foreign occupations, including the Ottoman Empire and the French Mandate post-World War I, the study delves into the enduring effects of domestic conflicts and international influences. Specifically, it scrutinizes the legacy of sectarian divisions stemming from the devastating Civil War, which has left indelible marks on Lebanon's governmental structure. Despite successive efforts, the Lebanese National Curriculum has remained stagnant since 1997, exacerbating proficiency gaps and educational challenges. Recent economic crises and geopolitical turmoil have further strained the education system, as evidenced by alarming proficiency deficits and governmental neglect in educational contingency planning. Recognizing the interconnectedness of primary and higher education, the study advocates for a holistic approach to address Lebanon's education crisis. Urgent action from the Lebanese government, particularly the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, is essential to revitalize the education system. By harmonizing policy decisions, effectively allocating resources, and implementing transparent accountability mechanisms, Lebanon can navigate its current educational challenges and pave the way for a resilient and promising future.




How to Cite

Megan Edmond Khoury. (2024). Tracing Lebanon’s Educational Journey: Historical Dynamics, Contemporary Challenges, and Strategies for Resilience. International Journal of Education, 16(1).


