EFL Writing Skills Development Through Literature






Learning another language as English requires a combination of knowledge of the target language with skills and strategies that enable an individual to use them effectively. That is a learner has to develop knowledge about receptive skills; i.e., listening and reading, as well as productive ones; i.e., speaking and writing. Though all the skills are important for language learning, the writing skill is probably the most needed in academic and professional communities. It constitutes an important means of communication through which the writer expresses feeling, ideas and arguments. In the case of English language learning, writing in a language that one is not familiar with constitutes a hard task. In fact, though writing represents a crucial skill for learning any language, its complex nature makes it a challenging affair for both the learners and the teachers. It requires the learners to be guided and assisted in their efforts to reach success. Besides, the teachers are expected to furnish the appropriate measures to achieve the teaching goals. Therefore, it is with the perspective to highlight the importance of writing and the role of reading literature in developing EFL learners’ writing skill that this piece of work is undertaken. This is achieved via disclosing the nature of the writing skill and how the implementation of literature in the writing classes can provide positive effect on EFL learners’ performance.




How to Cite

FODIL-CHERIF, S. B. (2024). EFL Writing Skills Development Through Literature. Education and Linguistics Research, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.5296/elr.v7i2.18835


