Talibov Tabrizi, Enlighten of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution in the Modern Era


  • Aref Barkhordari
  • Amir Naderi Barough




The purpose of writing this article is an analytical study of Talibov Tabrizi's Thoughts as one of the intellectuals supporting the Iranian people who is in the middle of the background of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution and the realization of this revolution (1284 AH) in Iranian society. He is one of the influential people in the realization of the Constitutional Revolution, to whom a part of the new ideas in the constitutional period Iran are dedicated. He was one of the pioneers of constitutionalist politics and is one of the first modern thinkers in Iran in the field of thought making. He has also brought aspects of cultural and political modernity to Iranian culture. His ideas and thoughts on cultural, social, political, and economic issues are in a Rupture from traditional science and education. New scientific topics and philosophical foundations of the modern world were the main foundations of his intellectual system.  Based on what he learned from modernity, he commented on political issues and came up with new ideas on cultural, social and political issues.  He is one of the promoters of natural sciences and modern social and political thought and the representative of the intellectual currents of his time, one of the followers of the originality of reason and experimental philosophy. A believer in philosophical liberalism, he generally rejects the medieval way of thinking and the political system associated with it. His political views are a combination of political liberalism and social democracy, and he seeks to establish a democratic system. Emphasizes the liberty right and the rule of law. He believes in the rule of the elite, that is, the people of knowledge and thought of the agents of reform and progress. It preaches national sovereignty and the right of nations to determine their own destiny.




How to Cite

Barkhordari , A., & Barough, A. N. (2022). Talibov Tabrizi, Enlighten of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution in the Modern Era. Journal of Social Science Studies, 9(2), p100. https://doi.org/10.5296/jsss.v9i2.20400


