Consumer Behaviour towards Online Shopping in India


  • Selvaraj N.



Online marketing has gained plenty of importance in present marketing conditions. But alongside its vital growth the quantity of scamps, fraudulent practices and cheating also increased. Such cheating activities had created fear within the minds of consumers and also an adverse impact within the attitude of consumers towards online purchase. Today Ecommerce could also be a byword in Indian society and it's become an integral a neighborhood of our lifestyle. Attitude toward online shopping and goal to shop for online aren't only affected by simple use, usefulness, and delight, but also by other factors like consumer individuality, situational factors, product distinctiveness, previous online shopping understanding and faith in online shopping. Therefore, understanding who are those consuming and why they like to use or prevent from the online as a channel, could also be a critical matter for both e- marketing managers and consumer thinkers. The multivariate analysis is analogous to multiple regression analysis. Each variable is expressed as a linear combination of underlying factors. The number of variance a variable shares with all other variables included within the analysis is mentioned communality. The Rotated Factor Matrix for the variables concerning consumers in India regarding the factors influencing online purchase intention of the general sample respondents.

The rotated factor loadings for the 25 statements (variables) indicating the factors influencing customers’ opinion regarding the factors influencing online purchase intention. Online marketing Companies should have more risk reduction activities as risk could strongly influence consumers online purchase decisions. the online stores should use effective implementation of website factors like information design, features, communication, privacy and security, as a marketing tool by which trust towards the online site are often create demand the consumers and subsequently enhance purchase.




How to Cite

Selvaraj N. (2021). Consumer Behaviour towards Online Shopping in India. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, 8(1), p49.


