Spatialization of Granulometric and Chemical Characteristics in Irrigated Hydromorphic Soil


  • Murilo Alceu de Águas
  • Joaquim José Frazão
  • Leonardo Mariano do Nascimento
  • João Paulo Souza Carneiro
  • Ariel Muncio Compagnon
  • Ana Paula Santos Oliveira
  • Valter dos Santos Marques
  • Vagner Alves da Silva
  • Roriz Luciano Machado



Lowlands represent a significant portion of agricultural areas in the world. Thus, understanding the spatial variability of the chemical and granulometric characteristics of hydromorphic soils can contribute to improving soil management and fertility. The objective of this work was to characterize spatial dependence, spatialized chemical attributes, granulometry, and the ideal number of samples in irrigated hydromorphic soil. Soil sampling was conducted in a grid of 10x10 m, in the layers of 0–0.1 and 0.1–0.2 m, totalling 432 composite samples. The evaluated attributes are as follows: pH in water, H+Al, SOM, Ca, Mg, Al, P, K, CTC, V%, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, clay, silt, and sand. The texture of the area was classified as loamy–sandy and free in the 0–0.1 and 0.1–0.2 m layers, respectively. The coefficient of variation of the attributes ranged from 2.71% (0–0.1m) to 149.07% (0.1–0.2m). All the attributes studied exhibited moderate to strong spatial dependence. The sample grid with a sampling interval of 20 m referring to the 0–0.1 m layer proved to be adequate. The ideal number of simple samples per composite is 19 for granulometry and macronutrients, and 28 for the micronutrients in the 0–0.1 m layer.




How to Cite

Águas, M. A. de, Frazão, J. J., Nascimento, L. M. do, Carneiro, J. P. S., Compagnon, A. M., Oliveira, A. P. S., … Machado, R. L. (2021). Spatialization of Granulometric and Chemical Characteristics in Irrigated Hydromorphic Soil. Journal of Agricultural Studies, 9(3), 153–178.




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