Analysis of Cognitive Domain on Exercises in Numbers and Operations for Year 3 Mathematics Books


  • Peter Chien Chze Kong
  • Roslinda Rosli



Pupils’ low achievement in Numbers and Operations topics in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2019 has been a concern for the development of mathematics education in Malaysia. Therefore, the quality of mathematics textbooks and activity books, especially in the cognitive domain of exercises, is essential to ensure effective learning of mathematics contents. Thus, content analysis was performed to identify the cognitive domain of exercises in Numbers and Operations topics in the Year 3 mathematics textbook and activity book based on the TIMSS 2023 Mathematics Framework. In this study, the exercises in Numbers and Operations were categorised based on types of exercises and cognitive domain aspects. Results showed that most of the exercises of both the mathematics textbook and activity book topics are in the domain of knowing. The findings suggest that the percentage of exercises in applying and reasoning should be increased and aligned to the suggested percentage by the TIMSS 2023 Mathematics Framework. This situation should be aware by curriculum developers to enhance mathematics learning resources for Malaysian pupils towards the international level.




How to Cite

Kong, P. C. C., & Rosli , R. (2024). Analysis of Cognitive Domain on Exercises in Numbers and Operations for Year 3 Mathematics Books. International Journal of Social Science Research, 12(1).


