Evaluation of Challenges Facing Implementation of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Mitigation Programmes with Reference to the Presbyterian Churches of Kenya


  • Lucy Mutare Mathai




Alcohol and drug abuse among the youth continues to persist as shown by global statistics. Religious organizations have come up with Programmes aimed at mitigating alcohol and drug abuse. However, the problem of alcohol and drug abuse continues despite the significant role religions play in the society. This study assessed challenges facing implementation of alcohol and drug abuse mitigation Programmes among the youth in the Presbyterian Churches with an aim of establishing ways of addressing the issue. The findings show that inadequate funding and resources was the main challenge affecting the implementation of the PCEA alcohol and drug mitigation Programmes as reported by majority 158(35%) of the clergy and Church elders. 25% of the respondents indicated lack of commitment by affected persons, 15% pointed at lack of adequate training for those handling the youth and youth ministry or Programmes, and 14% cited poor management of youth Programmes. Moreover, 6% cited inadequate psychosocial support, 2% said lack of follow-up of youth was the problem, 2% reported that youth addicts who did not fully attend the Programmes feared losing friends while 1% indicated that lack of conviction by the addicts that they can fully recover and completely avoid alcohol and drugs were part of the challenges faced in the implementation of the Programmes. In order to enhance effectiveness, the study established that youth involvement in management of the Programmes, training of pastors in alcohol and drug abuse could be employed as part of the intervention.




How to Cite

Mathai, L. M. (2024). Evaluation of Challenges Facing Implementation of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Mitigation Programmes with Reference to the Presbyterian Churches of Kenya. International Journal of Culture and History, 9(2), P1. https://doi.org/10.5296/ijch.v9i2.20224


