Pottery Products of Bhaktapur, Nepal: A Study of Tourist and Tourism Perspectives


  • Lok Nath Dulal
  • Ambika Shah




The major goals of this study are to investigate ceramic items as a significant tourist attraction in Bhaktapur. Therefore, the topic of this essay is pottery products in Bhaktapur, community involvement, using materials and production techniques, forms, and varieties as sources of tourist attractions, issues with protecting pottery products and promoting tourism, and solutions that are directly related to pottery products and tourism in Bhaktapur. History justifies that from the pre-historic culture in the world the practices of making potteries were existed. Products made of pottery date back to prehistoric cultures around the globe. This custom first appeared in this region's Indus Valley Civilization around 2500 BC. It also existed in Nepal starting in the third century BC. Bhaktapur's pottery items are being developed from a tourism standpoint as a means of luring tourists. Consequently, pottery square is progressively growing in popularity as a hub of tourist attractions. Despite all of its humorous aspects, ceramic items and pottery square still don't make the most of their potential. For examining the causes, inadequate investigation and research has been done in this area. It has both a research need and an academic issue. This document has been created in order to fill up the research gaps and difficulties. This study was created utilizing both qualitative and quantitative data; as a result, it is based on a mixed-methods research design and methodology. The information was produced using both primary and secondary data.




How to Cite

Dulal, L. N., & Shah, A. (2024). Pottery Products of Bhaktapur, Nepal: A Study of Tourist and Tourism Perspectives. International Journal of Culture and History, 11(1), p100. https://doi.org/10.5296/ijch.v11i1.21812


