Reviewer Acknowledgements for Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 12 No. 1
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (EMSD) would like to thank the following reviewers for reviewing manuscripts from November 1, 2022, to May 1, 2023. Their comments and suggestions were of great help to the authors in improving the quality of their papers. Many authors, regardless of whether EMSD publishes their work, appreciate the helpful feedback provided by the reviewers. Macrothink Institute appreciates the following reviewers’ rigorous and conscientious efforts for this journal. Each of the reviewers listed below returned at least one review during this period.
Christiane do Nascimento Monte, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
Chuck Chuan Ng, Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia
Dilek Kaya-Akyüzlü, Ankara University, Turkey
Elham Mohamed, National Research Centre, Egypt
Farahdilah Ghazali, University of Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
Farhaoui Mohamed, National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water, Morocco
Gandhi Escajadillo Toledo, Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Peru
Hayssam Mohamed Ali, King Saud University, Egypt
João Fernando Pereira Gomes, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portuguese
Manuel Mendoza-Carranza, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Mexico
Mohammad Aghababaei, Washington State University, USA
Mona M. Amin Abdel-Fatah, National Research Center in Egypt, Egypt
Oylum Gokkurt Baki, Sinop University, Turkey
Syakir Amir Ab. Rahman, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Taina da Silva Rocha Paz, Federal Fluminense University, Brazil