Food Mixing According to Al-Hadith and Its Application in Product Manufacturing by Sidratul Company: A Case Study


  • Siti Sarah binti Izham
  • Khadher bin Ahmad
  • Zulkifli Hj Mohd Yusoff



The main aim of this study is to analyse the guidance of the Prophet s.a.w. related to food mixing and identify applications in manufacturing products involving food mixing by the Sidratul company. This study uses a qualitative data collection approach through library research and case studies involving interviews as a research strategy. For the method of data collection through library research, the study refer to two books of hadith that are recognised for their authenticity, namely Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim and related articles. For the case study, semi-structured interviews were used for data collection and supported by scrutiny of essential documents from the company. A total of fifteen informants, top management, officer and clerks were interviewed to obtain in-depth data. For the data analysis method, the thematic analysis method has been used with the help of ATLAS.ti software version 7. The results show that five food mixing principles can be extracted based on fiqh al-Hadith. Meanwhile, application point of view, the company produces products based on food mixing either in its production or as an OEM. The final part of this study also suggests guidelines for manufacturing products and food mixtures based on the sunnah.




How to Cite

Izham, S. S. binti, Ahmad, K. bin, & Yusoff, Z. H. M. (2024). Food Mixing According to Al-Hadith and Its Application in Product Manufacturing by Sidratul Company: A Case Study. Business and Management Horizons, 11(2).


